Legend of the void 3 hacked
Legend of the void 3 hacked

legend of the void 3 hacked

After Concussive Shells is researched, the Zealot is almost nullified until the Protoss player researches Charge. The Zealot is a good counter to the Marauder and relatively strong against the Marine, although if micro'd correctly, a Terran player can effectively kite an army of Zealots with Concussive Shells or Stimpack. They're still good damage dealers, but their role as a meat shield is far more pronounced, in that there are much more powerful units such as the Immortal or the Colossus which function as the primary damage dealers.

legend of the void 3 hacked

Zealots are a crucial unit against Terran. Against Zealots with Charge, Stalkers can only kite if they have Blink. Depending upon the terrain and unit positioning, Stalkers can effectively kite Zealots without Charge. However, Colossi are very strong against large numbers of Zealots. Zealots are effective meat shields for a Protoss army, particularly against Immortals and Stalkers as they can tank 9 Immortal hits and 17 Stalker hits. They become as fast as Marines using Stimpack, and faster than every Zerg unit off-creep, except speed-upgraded Zerglings and Ultralisks.Ĭompetitive Usage Vs.

legend of the void 3 hacked

With the passive speed boost, Zealots are the fastest Protoss ground unit. Also increases the movement speed of Zealots to 4.725.Ĭharge is a critical upgrade for Zealots, which boosts natural running speed and gives a sprint-like attack that can catch up to anything, thus improving the Zealots' ability to surround units.

Legend of the void 3 hacked